Soy and depression

While browsing on pinterest I came across an article about foods you shouldn’t eat if you suffer from depression. Coffee, refined sugar and fat made sense but I had no idea that soy was so bad. Check out what they wrote.
Soy – This food is a hormone and endocrine disruptor and is almost always of the GMO variety. Soy has a very depressing effect on the thyroid and can cause the body to have trouble absorbing iodine, iron and zinc.  All these nutrients are essential to a healthy immune system. Soy is very difficult to digest, especially when it is not fermented.  This protein can also damage the digestive tract.  According to The Mood Cure, “Soy contains mineral-blocking phytates, acknowledged even by the soy industry as interfering with the absorption of antidepressant thyroid hormones as well as the thyroid- and brain-crucial mineral iodine, iron and zinc.” Check out the rest of the article herehttp://

Looks like I’ll be swapping my soy latte for an almond milk one!

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